Friday, March 25, 2016

3 Stage of Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms

Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms In Different Stages

Leaky gut syndrome is a problem involving intestinal permeability wherein the intestinal mucosal lining becomes compromised. There are common leaky gut syndrome symptoms that you should be aware of.

The first stage

The leaky gut syndrome symptoms may present in different parts of your body. Since the problem all started within the gastrointestinal tract it is just wise to know the symptoms that are most common in the GI. There is less production of enzymes in your gut to help in food digestion since your intestinal lining has already been damaged.

At this point the undigested food and unhealthy diet you have help the bad bacteria to overpower the good bacteria. You must remember to keep the balance of the two, or if not, good bacteria must have more number than the bad, after all It is them that keep you healthy.

The first leaky gut syndrome symptoms may not cause any serious alarm to an individual. But after some time when the symptoms are not resolved, this may increase the anxiety and may cause a change in the eating habits of the individual. Although the leaky gut syndrome symptoms may be alleviated, it is only for a short time especially if the individual continues to have unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.

The first leaky gut syndrome symptoms a person may experience are abdominal gas and bloating, this is because of the gas produced by fermentation of the small pieces of undigested food in your gut. Leaky gut syndrome symptoms also include heartburn (this usually accompanies abdominal bloating and gas). The heartburn experienced may be mild to moderate.

Other early leaky gut syndrome symptoms are constipation and/or diarrhea. It is a common knowledge that sufferers of leaky gut syndrome do have constipation and/or diarrhea. In addition, the diarrhea experienced may be due to inflammation or due to the fact that your digestive system is trying to remove unwanted substances such as too much bad bacteria and toxins in the gut.  Gum disease can also be experienced and with all these symptoms possibilities of other health issues like depression can come into the picture.

The second stage

If you are not able to treat the leaky gut syndrome, the damage continues. At this time, there are larger holes formed in the intestinal lining. So more undigested foods are being absorbed into the bloodstream instead of passing through the digestive tract to be properly digested and absorbed. These undigested substances directly pass through the intestinal holes and into the bloodstream. In the bloodstream they then get circulated to different parts of the body leading to worse and untreated leaky gut syndrome symptoms.

More digestive problems will arise in a worsening leaky gut syndrome.  Food allergies, migraines and other headaches will be evident as leaky gut syndrome symptoms.  Skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis are also manifested in this condition. The person may also experience pain in the joints, chronic fatigue syndrome and the onset of autoimmune deficiency.

Leaky gut syndrome symptoms are masked by different drugs prescribed by the doctor. This is because the doctors, up to this day, are not trained to look for leaky gut syndrome. Instead they treat the symptoms without addressing the leaky gut syndrome itself. The individual then experiences more serious symptoms with greater difficulties.

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The third stage

If the condition is left untreated and worsens, the leaky gut syndrome symptoms will manifests due to weaker immune system causing autoimmune deficiencies. Autoimmune deficiency is the collapse of the body’s ability to battle against infections.

If this problem in leaky gut syndrome becomes severe it can be unmanageable to stop or worse you won’t be able to reverse the condition and regain an improved or normal gut functions. At this time the leaky gut syndrome symptoms must be dealt with and controlled properly.

The more severe leaky gut syndrome symptoms affecting the autoimmune system include Ulcerative colitis, Celiac disease, colitis, and Crohn’s disease. These are conditions that basically attack the intestines. Inflammation and destroying the lining will lead to less nutrient absorption and other important substances do not get absorbed as well.

leaky gut syndrome symptoms and treatment

The Systemic Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms

The leaky gut syndrome sufferer can also have a more systemic complication. This includes arthritis, severe skin conditions and systemic candida, nail fungus and ringworms.  These leaky gut syndrome symptoms mean that the condition had already gone systemic, depth explanation about leaky gut symptoms you can find here severely affecting different systems of the body.

The person may also experience Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other thyroid problems. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the destruction of thyroid cells caused by autoimmune deficiency. The thyroid gland is important to our body because it regulates the body’s metabolism and calcium balance. These are dfoods. These leaky gut syndrome symptoms tell you that there is something wrong and you must act on it immediately.   The sooner you know more about the condition, the faster it is for you start your treatment for leaky gut syndrome.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Varicose Veins Treatment

If you have bulging veins accompanied by a burning sensation or pain after long periods of standing. You may have what is called varicose veins. These problematic & disagreeable veins can be treated. It is because each individual case can vary and you ought to contact a vascular specialist for diagnosis of your veins & to see what varicose vein treatment options are available for you.

If you’ve tried different ways and they haven’t assisted or you are worried about the look of your feet or experience serious signs you should see a physician. While you are status your physician will analyze your feet and search for any signs and the signs of inflammation blood stream vessels. He or she may ask you if you are suffering from any problems and what they are. Then your physician may execute an ultrasound examination analyze to see if the valves in your blood stream vessels are doing properly or if there are any signs and the signs of a blood stream clog.

Treatments are most often conducted on an hospital basis. You can also try training, weight-loss, dressed in reduce suitable outfits, increasing your feet and avoid seated or standing for prolonged, these things can help to ease any pain or irritation that you may be suffering from as well as avoiding your spider blood vessels from getting worse. If you create spider blood vessels while you’re pregnant, know that in most cases they improve within three months after shipping.

Your physician will input your small-medium scaled spider veins with a solution that marks and shuts those blood vessels. Your handled spider blood vessels should reduce within a couple several weeks. However, the same blood vessels may need to be shot more than once treatment is effective if done properly. This process doesn’t require sedation and can be done in your physician’s office.

Your doctor will use a laser to close off smaller varicose veins and blue blood vessels. Laser works by sending powerful breaks of light onto the problematic vein, which makes the boat progressively reduce and disappear. Your doctor will insert a narrow tube in to the oversized vein where the tip of the tube heats. As the tube is removed, the heat destroys the vein by causing it to collapse and seal shut. This procedure is usually used on larger varicose veins.

You ought to also know that there is no treat for problematic veins condition & it is a contemporary condition that needs frequent follow-up after every way of therapy.

Friday, March 11, 2016

3 Natural Acne Remedy for Every Skin Type

If you are looking for a natural acne remedy there are many you will find in the market such as aloe vera, Vitamin A, Tea tree oil are just a few natural products that have been used with some degree of success to help cure acne. However there are some natural products that contain preservatives so before using these products it is best to consult with a dermatologist before embarking on a natural therapy.
natural acne remedy for every skin type

Acne is a skin disorder that causes skin inflammation and eruptions and is mostly common during the teenage years which is known as the pimple phase and nearly 90% of the teenage population suffer from either pimples or acne although acne is also commonly seen in adults.
Acne is thought to be caused by an increase of the testosterone hormone however there are also other genetic as well as physical factors which play a role such as lifestyle, stress and psychological disturbances. A natural acne remedy which has become popular is tea tree oil as this remedy has proved effective due to the anti fungal and anti septic properties and this remedy has no side effects.
Another popular remedy is aloe vera which has proved highly effective as the gel has a soothing effect and contains anti inflammatory as well as anti bacterial properties and can be used internally as well as externally. A zinc supplement can be taken to help repair the skin as well as strengthen the immune system.
Another natural acne remedy is Vitamin A which is effective in clearing the skin and Vitamin E. If you are an acne sufferer it is important to drink plenty of water daily as well as eat green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit which will bring about a marked improvement to the quality of your skin.

Friday, March 4, 2016

How to Make A Choice In Protein Bars?

After all the commercial advertisements, we now seem to associate conventional snack bars with healthy living. This is very far from the truth as most such snack bars are just chocolate or candy bars filled with more fats than we need in a day. If you are looking for a bar that promotes healthy living, then a protein bar is your only option.

Modern protein bars work to not only help you get over hunger but they are a very important in improving your health. Most can add increased health benefits. The most evident is providing you with an instant protein boost when you need it. All you have to do is choose the best protein bar for you.

Protein bars have very different nutritional content. When choosing a protein bar, you should take note on the nutritional information. This should give you a clear indication of exactly what you can use the protein bar for. For example, an energy bar will have different nutritional information than a low carbohydrate bar.

It is very important to know the ingredients that are used to create your bar. Though one can claim to be a pure protein bar, it is important to know the source of the protein. For example, is it whey protein or soy protein? This can help you choose the most effective bar at the time and also avoid allergic reactions to ingredient in the bar.

Your taste buds are a very big part of the decision of what to eat. For a long time, protein bars were sold as bad tasting health products that were only good for those with iron wills. Not anymore. Now you have a choice of various products from bitter to sweet organic chocolate taste that are just as healthy.

As long as you take your time to read the product labels as well as understand the ingredients, most of the time protein bars will be good for you. There is little need to use conventional supermarket bars that are clearly unhealthy when there are better alternatives out there.