Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms In Different Stages
Leaky gut syndrome is a problem involving intestinal permeability wherein the intestinal mucosal lining becomes compromised. There are common leaky gut syndrome symptoms that you should be aware of.The first stage
The leaky gut syndrome symptoms may present in different parts of your body. Since the problem all started within the gastrointestinal tract it is just wise to know the symptoms that are most common in the GI. There is less production of enzymes in your gut to help in food digestion since your intestinal lining has already been damaged.
At this point the undigested food and unhealthy diet you have help the bad bacteria to overpower the good bacteria. You must remember to keep the balance of the two, or if not, good bacteria must have more number than the bad, after all It is them that keep you healthy.
The first leaky gut syndrome symptoms may not cause any serious alarm to an individual. But after some time when the symptoms are not resolved, this may increase the anxiety and may cause a change in the eating habits of the individual. Although the leaky gut syndrome symptoms may be alleviated, it is only for a short time especially if the individual continues to have unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.
The first leaky gut syndrome symptoms a person may experience are abdominal gas and bloating, this is because of the gas produced by fermentation of the small pieces of undigested food in your gut. Leaky gut syndrome symptoms also include heartburn (this usually accompanies abdominal bloating and gas). The heartburn experienced may be mild to moderate.
Other early leaky gut syndrome symptoms are constipation and/or diarrhea. It is a common knowledge that sufferers of leaky gut syndrome do have constipation and/or diarrhea. In addition, the diarrhea experienced may be due to inflammation or due to the fact that your digestive system is trying to remove unwanted substances such as too much bad bacteria and toxins in the gut. Gum disease can also be experienced and with all these symptoms possibilities of other health issues like depression can come into the picture.
The second stage
If you are not able to treat the leaky gut syndrome, the damage continues. At this time, there are larger holes formed in the intestinal lining. So more undigested foods are being absorbed into the bloodstream instead of passing through the digestive tract to be properly digested and absorbed. These undigested substances directly pass through the intestinal holes and into the bloodstream. In the bloodstream they then get circulated to different parts of the body leading to worse and untreated leaky gut syndrome symptoms.
More digestive problems will arise in a worsening leaky gut syndrome. Food allergies, migraines and other headaches will be evident as leaky gut syndrome symptoms. Skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis are also manifested in this condition. The person may also experience pain in the joints, chronic fatigue syndrome and the onset of autoimmune deficiency.
Leaky gut syndrome symptoms are masked by different drugs prescribed by the doctor. This is because the doctors, up to this day, are not trained to look for leaky gut syndrome. Instead they treat the symptoms without addressing the leaky gut syndrome itself. The individual then experiences more serious symptoms with greater difficulties.
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The third stage
If the condition is left untreated and worsens, the leaky gut syndrome symptoms will manifests due to weaker immune system causing autoimmune deficiencies. Autoimmune deficiency is the collapse of the body’s ability to battle against infections.
If this problem in leaky gut syndrome becomes severe it can be unmanageable to stop or worse you won’t be able to reverse the condition and regain an improved or normal gut functions. At this time the leaky gut syndrome symptoms must be dealt with and controlled properly.
The more severe leaky gut syndrome symptoms affecting the autoimmune system include Ulcerative colitis, Celiac disease, colitis, and Crohn’s disease. These are conditions that basically attack the intestines. Inflammation and destroying the lining will lead to less nutrient absorption and other important substances do not get absorbed as well.
The Systemic Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms
The leaky gut syndrome sufferer can also have a more systemic complication. This includes arthritis, severe skin conditions and systemic candida, nail fungus and ringworms. These leaky gut syndrome symptoms mean that the condition had already gone systemic, depth explanation about leaky gut symptoms you can find here www.treatleakygut.net severely affecting different systems of the body.The person may also experience Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other thyroid problems. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the destruction of thyroid cells caused by autoimmune deficiency. The thyroid gland is important to our body because it regulates the body’s metabolism and calcium balance. These are dfoods. These leaky gut syndrome symptoms tell you that there is something wrong and you must act on it immediately. The sooner you know more about the condition, the faster it is for you start your treatment for leaky gut syndrome.